E-Three Design Studio

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Every year I tell myself I am going to get a head start on the holidays and get all of my shopping done by the end of October. I know, that’s a little ambitious but I’d even be happy with having it all wrapped up by the beginning of December… but here we are again, in December, and I’ve bought one Christmas gift. Just one! I know I still have plenty of time but I’m not exactly reaching my goal here! I want to sit back and enjoy the holidays and not be running around at the last minute buying gifts. Gift buying can be so stressful.

I know my issue here is lack of planning. Ugh. What’s that saying about a dream being a wish and you have to plan and everything… you know the one I’m talking about. I’m not planning here! I’ve come to the realization that I’m not going to get everything done before December now since it’s December 5th but I can get super organized and make it easier for myself. How will I get super organized, you ask? By making really cute Christmas printables and using them!

Don’t laugh but I actually just put a reminder on my phone for next October to pull out these Christmas printables to get started on Christmas early. See, that dream is going to become a plan and will be a reality!

So today, I am sharing these new Christmas printables in case you need a little help with your Christmas organization too. I just got my Christmas gift planner filled out and I’m ready to shop!

For the gift giving planning pages, there are two sheets to print. The second photo above is a brainstorming sheet. This is where you can write down ideas as they come to you. Then cross them out, keep them, add to them, etc. I find this one so useful. The first page shown is the actual list of what to buy once it’s all narrowed down.

Not only are there two pages for a gift giving guide/list but there’s also a kid’s Christmas Wish list for Santa!

My kids love writing their letters to Santa every year. I’ve actually had this sheet for a few years now and it’s become a tradition in my home. I keep them and it’s so fun to see how their little hand writing has changed over the years and how their list of items has changed. This is a great keep sake! One day they won’t write letters to Santa but I can pull out these sheets and reminisce of the years past when they were little and believed in the magic of Christmas! Gosh just thinking about that makes me sad!

Are you ready to download these cuties? You can find the link below to download!


(Non-commercial use only)

Please note our freebies are for personal non-commercial use only. Copyright E-Three Design Studio | All rights reserved.

As always the printables we share on our blog are free for personal use. Use our items at home, at work, for school classroom activities, church, etc. Use them as gifts! But please do not sell our items for profit in any way. Our items may not be sold in the digital or printed format or claimed as your own. If you have any questions, please let us know! Thank you for respecting our work! Enjoy!

Do you have any other tips on how to survive the holidays? Planning tips, traditions, ideas? If so let us know!! We hope you enjoy our Christmas printables and they help you with your holiday organization!!
