Kid's Summer Fun Checklist

Hi everyone, happy Monday! Today, I have a short fun post to share with all of the mommas out there that are dealing with summer boredom. My kids are always so excited for school to be out and summer vacation to begin. There is so much excitement around this time of the year... that is for a week or two until the boredom sets in. They are so used to the hustle and bustle of the structured school year and they don't know what to do with themselves when it all slows down.  Now I think some bored is good for them... I tell them all of the time that I'm not here to entertain them constantly. The downtime and boredom lets them be creative and independent. With that said, I like to give them something to look forward to and to add excitement to some of those extra long summer days.

Behold, our "Not Bummer Summer Checklist"! I created this list a couple years ago and we have been using it every summer since. These are not things we do everyday, but more for special occasions on those extra boring days. We also use it like a reward chart. When they do their chores and are behaving like the little sweethearts I know they can be, they get to pick a special activity from the list to do. They absolutely love this checklist! It's become kind of like our summer bucket list too. We make sure to get everything checked off before school starts back up in the fall. 

Printable Not Bummer Summer Checklist
Free Summer Bucket List Printable

These are our customized checklist that we have been using... you can tell they are a little wrinkled from my kid's little hands. I change them up a little each year. I actually had to go steal them out of their rooms to take pictures of them. They are reluctant to let them out of their sight! Our school has only been out about a week and a half but we have already managed to do the scavenger hunt and take a trip to the library. They are really hoping for the lemonade stand this weekend too and are also super excited about the kids make dinner night and the trip to the Farmer's Market!

With the free downloads, we have included our exact checklist in case your idea of summer fun lines up with ours. If not, no worries, we are also providing the editable file format where you can fill in your own activities as well as the blank file that you can print and write on. We hope this helps with the summer blues at your house too. No one wants a "bummer" summer!

What other summer activities do your kids enjoy? We are always looking for different ideas to put on our list and would love to hear from you!

You can download our free "Not Bummer Summer Checklist" below:



-To edit the checklist: Using a computer, click the link above. Download and save the file to your computer. Open Adobe Reader (this is a free download at but most computers already have it) and then open the saved file in Adobe Reader. Any editable text will be highlighted by a blue box, enter your text and save the edited file before printing. The blue boxes will not show up in print. Editing the file in your web browser will not work correctly, you do need to use Adobe Reader. Please message us with any questions.

(Non-commercial use only)

Please note our freebies are for personal non-commercial use only. Copyright E-Three Design Studio | All rights reserved.

What things would you add to your not bummer summer checklist? Let us know, we are always looking for new ideas! We hope you have a fun and safe summer!


E-Three Design Studio

Printable Summer Fun Bucket List for Kids