E-Three Design Studio

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Happy New Year! I’m so excited for everything that 2020 will bring. E-Three Design Studio is off to a great start and I’m looking forward to all of the new projects coming our way. A new year always kicks me into high gear in both my professional and personal life. I guess it’s the clean slate and idea that I’m going to do better in the New Year! There’s always something to work on and chore charts are such a great way to stay on task.

This year I’m really focusing on organization and cleaning. I’ve made cleaning schedules that I’m actually excited to stick to at home. This also includes getting my kids more involved too… which as you can imagine, they are super thrilled about! Lol, yes, that was a little sarcasm but I will say that it does help get them more excited about cleaning when they have a cute chore chart.

So today I’m sharing these free editable kid’s chore charts! This will help my kiddos stay on task and keep their rooms clean before they even think about asking to be on any electronics. This is big in our house. Even though their electronic time is already limited, as soon as they get off the school bus they are eager to hop on electronics.

These chore and activity items aren’t difficult but they know if they even want a chance to be on electronics after school, they have to have their checklist done for the day! You can fill out your checklist with whatever is appropriate for your home and your kiddos! You can even print out multiple pages and use them differently for each child in your family.

So far, this has worked surprisingly well for us. My kids know exactly what is expected of them and the visual is super helpful. They also really love marking items off their list. My kids use markers or crayons to check off the item once it’s done but you could also use stickers to mark off items.

In this free download, we have included three options for you:

• The non-editable file that is as shown and cannot be edited (in case your chores are the same as mine).

• A blank version with the boxes empty where you can print the file and write your info in.

• The editable option where you open the file in Adobe Reader and actually edit the text boxes before you print.

See below to download and for tips on editing the file!



-To edit the files: Using a computer, click the link above. Download and save the files to your computer. Open Adobe Reader (this is a free download at adobe.com but most computers already have it) and open the saved file. Any editable text will be highlighted by a blue box, enter your text and save the edited file before printing. The blue boxes will not show up in print. Editing the file in your web browser will not work correctly, you do need to use Adobe Reader. Only files labeled with “editable” will allow you to edit them. Please message us with any questions

Along with the editable file, we have included the non-editable file that comes as shown and a blank file where you can print and then write on the printout. The files are labeled. If you have any questions or issues editing the file, just let us know. We are happy to help!

(Non-commercial use only)

Please note our freebies are for personal non-commercial use only. Copyright E-Three Design Studio | All rights reserved.

As always the printables we share on our blog are free for personal use. Use our items at home, at work, for school classroom activities, church, etc. Use them as gifts! But please do not sell our items for profit in any way. Our items may not be sold in the digital or printed format or claimed as your own. If you have any questions, please let us know! Thank you for respecting our work! Enjoy!


• Download our free Not Bummer Summer Kid’s checklist HERE!

• Download our free Kid’s lunch box notes HERE and HERE!

What ways do you get organized for the new year? Do you make lists and set goals too and do you stick to your resolutions or do they fade away a couple months in? What helps you stick to your resolutions? If you have any other tips or tricks, let us know.

We hope you enjoy these free kid’s chore chart checklists and that it helps you and your kiddos stay on task this year. If you have any questions, just let us know.

Also, let us know if you have ideas for other printables you’d like to have. We are always on the lookout for new printables to share that our readers will find useful. And again, Happy New Year!


E-Three Design Studio